Team Titan TT90
Welcome to the top. You’ve made it. You’re at that stage in audio competition where your current batteries can’t provide the power you need. TeamTitan8-90 is the answer. This beast of a battery offers power, performance, and the reliability that XS Power Batteries is known for. With up to 60,000 watts of power handling on tap, voltage drop will be a thing of the past. Operating within the 15.5v-16.0v range, TeamTitan8-90 is 90ah of Titan8 performance offering 9x 1/0 inputs for bare wire for positive and negative connections each, which double as a mount for ring terminals. This means you can connect up to 18 runs of wire PER SIDE. Feel free to do some math, we already have. TeamTitan8 can easily consolidate the largest banks of batteries down to one, and in a mount-ready DIY-Style housing, TT-90 is ready for whatever you want to throw at it.
Dimensions (mm): 388.17mm x 404.66mm x 137.16mm
Dimensions (mm): 15.28 in x 15.93 in x 5.4 in
Weight: 86.27 lb
Voltage: 14v
Amp Hours: 90 Ah
Wattage Support: 45000-60000 W
Input Charge Max: 2700a
All Assembly Hardware Included