XS Power Batteries, PoweringYour Passions
Born out of necessity, XS Power racing batteries have quickly grown to be the top choice of racers in every type of racing imaginable. Trusted by 400+MPH land speed champions, multi-million dollar NASCAR teams and nearly any form of drag racing or circle track racing from weekend warriors all the way up to the hardcore race addicts. Champions know that if they want to win, they have to rely on an XS Power battery to get them to the finish line! Designed to take the beating of the roughest track conditions, and resist the stresses of the most extreme G forces, you will find more XS Power Batteries in the winner’s circle than any other brand.
Features and Benefits
Highest Cranking Output: More Max Amps to ensure a perfect start to a perfect race!
Toughest Construction: Rugged, reinforced ABS plastic housings and extreme vibration resistant internal connections make XS Power batteries almost impossible to break!
Best Warranty: With up to 4 years free replacement, and a 60 day money back guarantee, our products are designed to perform!
Fastest Recharge: The pure lead grid design allow for high charge current for extremely fast recharging between rounds which eliminates the need for oversized batteries and unnecessary weight.